From weddings to business events, we will capture every moment with precision and style. Visual narratives is our specialty!
Simple Weddings
Capturing the beauty of your special day in its purest form, our simple wedding videography service is designed to elegantly document your cherished moments. With a focus on affordability and simplicity, we artfully edit your wedding footage to music, creating a heartfelt keepsake that reflects the genuine joy of your celebration.
Celebration Events
From intimate birthday celebrations to culturally significant events like Filipino debuts and Mexican quinceañeras, our videography service is dedicated to capturing the essence of every special occasion. We specialize in commemorating cherished moments with a thoughtful blend of professionalism and artistry.
Business Events
Dedicated to capturing the spirit of your corporate endeavors, our business event videography service specializes in commemorating milestone achievements and creating compelling narratives. From meticulously documenting award ceremonies to capturing engaging customer and employee interviews, we bring a professional touch to every facet of your corporate events.
Promotional Video
Empowering businesses with compelling visual content, our promotional video service is adept at crafting impactful narratives. Whether it's producing a captivating video for an electric bike company, featuring talented actors and scouting picturesque locations, or creating simple yet engaging product showcases set to captivating music, we excel in showcasing your brand's unique offerings. Let us help you captivate your audience and elevate your brand story through our dynamic video production.
Video Gallery
What is the typical turnaround time for video production projects?Turnaround time varies depending on the project's complexity. For simple weddings with a single highlight-style video, the process may take up to 3 weeks. Alternatively, for promotional video productions, we follow a comprehensive workflow that includes pre-production, production, and post-production stages. During this process, we provide a rough edit for your review and accommodate revisions until the final video meets your satisfaction.
Do you offer additional services such as scriptwriting, voiceover, or animation?Yes, we provide comprehensive video production services, including scriptwriting, voiceover recording, and animation. If you're interested in film production, we also collaborate with a dedicated team specializing in commercial and cinematic films. Our services encompass every aspect of the production process, from pre-production tasks like location scouting and script development to post-production services and talent coordination. Feel free to discuss your specific requirements with us.
Can you accommodate specific budget constraints for video production?Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We understand that each video project is unique, and we are committed to finding the best possible solution that aligns with your budget and vision. Let's have a discussion to explore how we can work within your budget to bring your project to life.
How soon should I schedule my photo session?It’s never too early to schedule your maternity session. Sometimes we can accommodate last minute requests, but we recommend a 4 to 6 week notice. If you would like a weekend appointment it is important to book early as Saturdays and Sundays are booked fast.
How many weeks is ideal for a maternity photo session?Maternity sessions are typically done between 29 and 36 weeks. The timing is different for everyone and we recommend that you don’t wait too late because you will never know when the baby will actually come.
Do you offer additional services such as scriptwriting, voiceover, or animation?Yes, we provide comprehensive video production services, including scriptwriting, voiceover recording, and animation. If you're interested in film production, we also collaborate with a dedicated team specializing in commercial and cinematic films. Our services encompass every aspect of the production process, from pre-production tasks like location scouting and script development to post-production services and talent coordination. Feel free to discuss your specific requirements with us.
How long do family sessions take, and how many locations?On average a family session may last about between 45 - 90 minutes, depending on how many family members. One location. Please be mindful that timing of daylight is essential in terms of best outcome of looks so you have to be very wary of possible traffic.
What if the weather for the scheduled session is bad?Weather can be unpredictable on any day leading to scolding hot, blistering cold, or even...rain. Depending on the tensity of rain, we can always reschedule at another date without a problem. It's not always bad if there's rain added into the session because it also brings out the best of story telling moods with props such as umbrellas, raincoats, and the rain itself.
Can we have a few outfit changes?In studio it is very possible to have 2 outfits, on location it may be a bit challenging in finding places to change.
Why 4-14 days old?How old should my baby be for the photo session? The best time frame is when your little one is within the first two weeks of their life. Newborns are much more pliable and flexible for different poses when they are under 14 days old. Fun Fact: A newborn really has nearly 300 bones & cartilage pieces, which after that 10 to 14 days (2 weeks) mark, start to fuse together into calcified bone, which makes it much harder for them to return to that in-the-womb position they’ve been in for the last 9 months. It is much more comfortable for them to be moulded into the adorable position while they still have the luxury of pure flexibility.
How long is the newborn photo session?Baby only may take between 2-3 hours and for parents and siblings added into the mix, it may take up to 4-5 hours. It really all depends on baby and how they are feeling, we will follow their preference, they run the show!
What if my newborn is more than 2-weeks old?We can take newborn photos after two weeks but you'll have to opt for different poses and concepts. Your newborn will likely be awake during the session so we will be aiming for photo that include little one wrapped or clothes on. Taking newborn photos after two weeks isn’t unheard of and your photos will still turn out great. However, your little one won’t curl up so easily after two weeks so I will be taking different approach with the photos. Babies begin to stretch and extend their arms and legs after two weeks, making it harder for them to naturally curl up during photos. Don’t be discouraged though by timing as you should still schedule a newborn session even if two weeks have passed by. The session will likely take a little bit longer but we still get amazing photos. We will try our best to achieve those cute newborn poses :)
What if I end up delivering earlier or later than my due date What happens to my photo session appointment?Once your baby’s session is reserved with a non-refundable retainer, we have carved out a time slot for your baby – early or late. We have never missed a baby session.
How many people may I bring to the photo session?Having only parents and baby is best. Having a number of people can be too noisy, distracting, and can interrupt the baby's sleep for the session. I do request that you bring the siblings at the very beginning of the session so they can go home or bring them to the park during the session with the little one.
Things to bringCake Cake smash outfit 1-2 outfits for baby Change of clothes for parents, just in case Favorite toy (to get their attention) Wipes Diapers Sippy cup to help wash down the cake Snacks (think cheerios, or puffs) in case they don’t like the cake. We sometimes have to hide them the cake to make it look like your little one is actually eating the cake. Ssshhh.. If you don't tell, we won’t :)
What props do you provide?Our offerings include a backdrop, along with simple flag banners designed to complement your selected color theme. Additionally, we provide a ONE or number 1 standee for added celebratory flair. Feel free to bring along any additional props you desire for the session; just inform us in advance to ensure a seamless and artistically tailored shoot.
What will happen during the session?Extra props received before the session day With the extra props received in advance, we'll ensure the cake smash set is prepared the night before. Upon your arrival, we'll make any necessary adjustments to personalize the set to your preferences. First, we'll capture a picture of the set without your baby. Then, we'll include your little one in their pre-cake outfit, followed by a wardrobe change into their designated cake smash ensemble. We'll proceed to photograph these precious moments before introducing the cake! Extra props received on the session day Upon your arrival, we'll kindly ask for any extra props you've brought, and our team will promptly integrate them into the cake smash set, which typically takes 15-30 minutes. After finalizing the set, we'll take a picture without your baby. Following this, we'll include your little one in their initial outfit, before transitioning into their special cake smash attire. We'll then proceed to capture a series of photographs, culminating with the introduction of the cake for the memorable smashing experience!
What kind of cake should I get?Opt for a 6-8" vanilla cake for optimal photo results. We advise against chocolate or red velvet cakes as they tend to create a messy appearance in photos. Choose fluffy icing over fondant for easy smashing. When selecting icing colors, stick to white or pastel shades, as bright or dark colors may stain. You have the flexibility to either bake your own cake or rely on a trusted local baker to create the perfect cake for your little one's special session.
When should I schedule a cake smash session?We recommend scheduling the session at least 4 weeks before your child's 1st or 2nd birthday. This allows ample time for us to discuss the preferred theme and colors for your child's session. If you plan to display the photos at a birthday celebration event, we suggest booking even earlier. This ensures that we have sufficient time for both the cake smash session and the editing process, guaranteeing that your photos are ready in time for your special event.
Do you provide the cake?We do not provide the cake for the session. However, you have the option to either make your own cake or source it from a trusted local baker of your choice. This allows you to customize the cake to your desired taste, theme, and dietary preferences.
Can you take group headshots for companies?Absolutely, we offer group headshots for companies. We can either go to your location and take headshots in your desired setting, or we can set up a backdrop if there's enough space, requiring an open 10x10 area for our setup.
Can I review my pictures and choose the best one?Yes, of course! We encourage this as we want you to be completely satisfied with your professional headshot.
This is my first professional headshot experience. Will you guide me and help me pose?You are in good hands and we want to make sure that you will have the best selection of artistic images. Even if its your first professional photography experience, our goal is to make sure you feel comfortable, relaxed, beautiful and empowered, pampered and confident.
How many photos/prints can I have during my event?Prints are unlimited and you'll also receive a link to your online gallery where you can view and download everything captured by our photo booth!
Can we supply our own backdrop?Absolutely! If you already have your own backdrop or background set, no problem at all, just let us know!
How much space is needed for the photo booth?At least 10 feet by 10 feet space.
Will there be an attendant with the photo booth?Yes! Unlike other services that simply drop off a booth and leave, we provide a dedicated attendant who stays throughout your event. Our attendants ensure a seamless experience by assisting with photo booth setup, entertaining guests, and ensuring studio-quality photos are captured. They’ll also distribute prints, refill the printer, and make sure the fun never stops with unlimited prints all night long!